Personal Power - Life & Happiness Coaching


A personalized life coaching self-love program to help you feel happier, and boost your self-esteem and confidence. I'll walk with you to identify and transform limitations for a better mindset so you can move to higher levels of awareness and desired outcomes. You’ll be able to grow your inner beauty and connect it with your outer beauty.

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How it works:

We’ll start with a one-hour video chat to understand your goals. You'll get a wellness or customized plan with 9 weekly 30 minutes coaching calls (10 sessions in total). During this 10-week journey you’d be asked to do some daily tasks that would vary between 5 min to 1 hour of your day. The program is packed with tools and resources. The key to success requires determination, and consistency. This time, you’re not alone, I’ll will be with you along the way and we’ll take the “bull by it’s horns” together! You’ll get there, girl!

Book a free complimentary discovery call and I’ll walk you though more details of this program, or customize one for you.

“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.”Mark Caine